Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Collapse of the United States of America and the Rise of the New World Order

From the Colossus of Rome to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France,
man has struggled to present to the world the best he was able to do
and to let it stand above all else as the shining example of ingenuity and creative
he has to offer to the world.
~ Rev. Wayne S Pierce ~
July 2011

What has man been given that allows him to achieve the greatness he has gained?
What does man do with his fortunes?  Does man give out of the kindness of his heart?
Does man give what he has to show the rest of the world how loving he is?
Man has been driven to create the best for himself and others, only giving when
he has more to give.  This is out of mans selfishness not out of the kindness of his heart.
If man truly knew the heart of the Spirit by which he oftentimes gives credit to,
he would be more apt to give and less likely to hoard what he has.

For what it is worth man has given to the world the best and the brightest
minds he has to offer.
Einstein, Fraud, Plato, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Martin Luther,
 and many more.
From the reformists of the day to the tyrants that ruled with an iron hand,
man has gone in different directions only to find one extreme after another,
creating more chaos than peace, more animosity than kindness.
But man still stands at the pinnacle of life looking out among the masses
only to find that he cannot control the many that shout from their rooftops
in absolute defiance to the power and control of the few.

Only within humanity can an individual be educated to the point at which
he achieves the greatest goals he has dreamed of.
Only within humanity can man deliver to the rest of the world the best and worst
he has created.
Only within humanity can man be viewed as both a deliverer and a devil.
Which part of humanity can bring the people of the world
the greatest gift of all?
Man, as part of humanity as a whole, faltered several times over the centuries
only to find that he can pick himself up and continue on.
The path that man travels is filled with distractions and disappointments,
tragedies and triumphs, but man continues on.

With the world coming unglued, with the banking cartels
stealing our money and giving it to the criminals and run this country,
our world, our society, the greatest nation on Earth,
has come to the point where man has to decide.
Does man take a stand to confront the demons that want to steal his soul,
or does he lay down and let the mind-numbed zombies, controlled by
their criminal bosses, devour you?

It's all up to YOU!

You are the resistance!

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult since Man, especially in this past 100 years, has come to believe that our Country wants the best for us. It may have been true at one time, but over the years, it's all turned into a Greedy Selfish Money & Power play system.

    Just look at our Holidays, we have covered up the true meaning of Christmas & Easter with Make-Believe icons for the Children in a promise they will be good to get the 'Treats'. Thanksgiving is no more than a Money Making season dependent on Black Friday and it's sales. Hardly anyone even knows what the true meaning of 4th of July is and we dare have Veterans Day when so many veterans are homeless and hungry when they themselves served our Country.

    We call this Country a land of Opportunity, but really it's a land to sit on your butt and collect all the free services it has to offer which in turn makes us all dependent on the system. Well, that system is about to crash so I sure hope we have the skills to make it out there. If not, it's going to be a sad future indeed!
